November Writer's Workshop

Realistic Fiction 
(Problem and Solution Stories)

Hello Again Parents! 
We have recently started a new writing unit...Realistic Fiction!
Realistic Fiction stories have a made up character dealing with a made up problem, but both the character and the problem could be something that happens in real life.

Goals of the unit:
   Students will create a character and use that character to create multiple stories (just like authors of our favorite series books).
   Students will use their knowledge of realistic fiction and story elements to create stories with a problem and solution.
   Students will use elaboration techniques including dialogue, 3-step tiny action, and a new technique…thinking... to expand their stories in meaningful ways.  
   Students will learn that sometimes characters talk to other characters (dialogue) and sometimes they talk to themselves (thinking). 
   Students will edit their pieces by checking for capitals, spelling of tappable words and trick words, and punctuation.

**Please allow your students time at home to practice writing Realistic Fiction stories. Their writing improves with each completed piece! We will be sending home writing paper over Thanksgiving Break for the students to practice writing a Realistic Fiction story.**