September / October Math Workshop

Module 1

We have begun Module 1 from EngageNY, students will work towards fluency with addition and subtraction of numbers to 10.   

They will do so by:

·       Moving from “counting all” to “counting on.”

·       Working with number bonds in order to break numbers into addend pairs.  

·       Seeing and describing 1 more as + 1.  

·       Solving “put together” problems, finding all the ways they can make numbers up to 10.  (For example, “Look at all the ways I can make 8:  7+1, 6+2, …)

·       Solving word problems that involve adding two quantities to find the sum  (4 + 3 = ) or finding a missing quantity when the sum is known (4 + = 7).

·       Learning about equality and the commutativity of addition (e.g. 4+3 = 3+4) which will lead to the understanding that they can count on from the larger number when adding.

·       Recognizing doubles and doubles plus 1.

·       Connecting missing addend problems to subtraction.

·       Using drawings to solve word problems and describing these situations using equations.

Math Models:

Number Bond
Image result for number bond

Number Path:

Important Vocabulary: 

     Addend: a number that is added 

     Count on: to count up from one addend to the total

Module 1 will carry us through the months of September, October and mid-November. We will update you next month on our progress and new skills that we will be teaching and dates for future assessments. 

September Read Aloud

What is Read Aloud?

Read Aloud is a planned oral reading of a book or print excerpt, usually related to a theme or topic of study.  The read aloud can be used to engage the student listener while developing background knowledge, increasing comprehension skills, fostering critical thinking and learning new vocabulary.

Our first read aloud unit is a Kevin Henkes author study. This unit focuses on:

   Students building their listening and comprehension skills through discussion during and after reading.
   Students increasing their vocabulary foundation by hearing words in context.
   Students improving their memory and language skills as they hear a variety of writing styles and learn to paraphrase their understanding.
   Students engaging in conversations that generates questions and comments for whole class discussion. 
   Students naming a trait to describe the main character or characters and providing evidence from the book to support their ideas.

   Students develop ideas about lessons that can be learned through a character's experience.

September Reading Workshop

Our first unit in Reader's Workshop focuses on building good reading habits.  Some goals for this unit include:
Students learning and using the rules and routines established for our classroom libraries and for workshop time so that everyone gets lots of time and space to read books this year.
Students learning to effectively preview a book to name their main character and anticipate what might happen in the story.
Students using  multiple strategies to solve tricky words.
Students reading fluently and with expression.
Students learning to retell their books alone and with a partner.
Students deliberately choosing different reasons to reread the books in their library baggies. 

September Homework


Homework will be given every night. Students will typically have math and word study homework nightly, as well as occasional read aloud homework. Homework should take kids about 20 minutes to complete. In addition to written work, students should be reading for 20 minutes each night. Your child's homework folder should come back to school every day. Homework will be checked daily. Please remind students to begin each sentence with a CAPITAL letter and use end punctuation when writing. Students will receive homework packets to complete over vacations. The packets will include word study, math, reading, and writing work.

It is okay to help your child with their work but we want to see their work, not yours!