April / May Word Study

In the month of April / May we will be working on "big concepts" such as: 
1. Vowel ___ e combination

  • The "e" is silent
  • The first vowel has a long sound (the first vowel says it's own name)
2. Long "u" can have two sounds, as mule and rule
3. The letter "s" might sound like "z" as in wise
4. The suffix "s" can be added to vowel blank e words

New mark up directions:
Mark "v-e" syllables: first underline or scoop the syllable. Then write the type beneath the syllable (v-e). Lastly, mark the vowel with a macron to show that it makes a long sound and slash out the "e" to show that it's silent. This order is important. Do not forget to underline your base words and circle the suffixes.

Trick words: friend, around, circle, does, nothing, write
Words of the day: wise, ape, joke