September / October Math Workshop

Module 1

We have begun Module 1 from EngageNY, students will work towards fluency with addition and subtraction of numbers to 10.   

They will do so by:

·       Moving from “counting all” to “counting on.”

·       Working with number bonds in order to break numbers into addend pairs.  

·       Seeing and describing 1 more as + 1.  

·       Solving “put together” problems, finding all the ways they can make numbers up to 10.  (For example, “Look at all the ways I can make 8:  7+1, 6+2, …)

·       Solving word problems that involve adding two quantities to find the sum  (4 + 3 = ) or finding a missing quantity when the sum is known (4 + = 7).

·       Learning about equality and the commutativity of addition (e.g. 4+3 = 3+4) which will lead to the understanding that they can count on from the larger number when adding.

·       Recognizing doubles and doubles plus 1.

·       Connecting missing addend problems to subtraction.

·       Using drawings to solve word problems and describing these situations using equations.

Math Models:

Number Bond
Image result for number bond

Number Path:

Important Vocabulary: 

     Addend: a number that is added 

     Count on: to count up from one addend to the total

Module 1 will carry us through the months of September, October and mid-November. We will update you next month on our progress and new skills that we will be teaching and dates for future assessments.