October Readers Workshop

In October, first graders will be 
Getting to know their characters…

Goals of the unit:
·      Students will follow the main character as they read
·      Students will make inferences about their characters from clues in the book – name the feelings and provide evidence for how they know (pictures, bold words, dialogue, etc.)
·      Students will learn some common places where it helps to slow down and read carefully to learn about their character’s feelings.
·      Students will be able to retell the important parts of their book tracking how feelings change across the book, and naming why.
 Notes to Parents
   As you read with your child, ask them,
      How is your main character feeling?   
    Why does he/she feel that way?
    How do you know he/she feels that way?
     ***They should be able to give clues from tell the pictures (character’s facial expressions, body movements), the words, and the punctuation marks to prove how their main character is feeling.
  2.  Ask them how their main character's feelings changed from the beginning to the end of the book.
       How did your main character feel in the beginning?  Why?
     How was your main character feeling at the end?  Why?