October Writing Workshop


What is Writer's Workshop?

 -Students complete different types of writing pieces. 
 -Students practice writing techniques in each piece.
 -Students practice conventions such as; capitals and punctuation.

In October, we will be finishing up our first Unit of study in Writing:

Small Moments 
Students will write about a memory of a small moment in time. 
   Student goals for this unit include: Students will generate story ideas by keeping lists and webbing multiple ideas of each item. 
   Students will write a focused story about a meaningful topic.
   Students will move through the writing process- choosing a topic, planning the parts, drafting using what they learned in Kindergarten AND now elaborating with dialogue and action on each page.   
    Student's writing will become more readable with a focus on spacing, using word wall words and approximations of unknown words - beginning and ending consonants and medial vowels.

   Students will draft 3-5 stories during this unit, and publish one.